How Can I Secure My Internet Connection?

Cyber security is a real concern these days. If you are worried about your home internet security these days and thinking about how to ensure maximum safety of your personal data, you are being rational. Even if you are not tech-savvy, securing your internet connectivity might be easier than you think. It all begins with subscribing to a reliable and safe internet connection, for instance, Xfinity internet packages or of the likes, so you can enjoy maximum protection from your provider along with blazing speeds. In an online world full of hackers or intruders sneaking for a loophole to intrude into your system and steal any of your personal data that can be exploited for their benefit, it is very obvious that you have to pay attention to ensuring maximum precautions and cyber security measures to steer away from any potential risks and threats.

But worry no more, here we are with some effective hacks that can oomph up your security level online and help you enjoy a safer browsing experience. So be sure to implement and make the most out of them:

Renaming your Router and Network names

Usually, all routers have a default name and password. So if you are setting your new router for the first time, be sure to change its name and password. Otherwise, you might be giving way to a hacker to intrude into your network and steal personal information. More often default router names are based on brand and model number so is very easy for any intruder to crack and access your network. So rename your router and select a strong password.

Use of Stronger Passwords

The password is meant to safeguard your network so it ought to be robust. It must have good strength and should be a good mix of uppercase, lowercase, special characters, numbers, etc. Avoid using any phrase in your password and come up with a unique one. You can also make use of a reliable password manager to keep a track of your passwords.

Turning the Encryption On

Nowadays almost all routers come with encryption that really helps secure your network. You can check if your router is encrypted by going to the router’s settings and then security options. Now look for the WPA2 Personal setting and set the encryption type to AES. Now you can choose a network key.

Use of multiple Firewalls

Firewalls have a central role in internet security. They work like a shield to protect your network and prevent any unwanted users from entering your network. If you use a firewall with other reliable antivirus, you can further maximize your network security.

Use of a VPN

A VPN or Virtual Security Network helps secure internet connectivity and ensure maximum protection and privacy by masking your true identity online. This tool can add extra layers of security to your home Wi-Fi connectivity. Having a reliable VPN on your system not only helps disguise your true online identity for assuring maximum protection but also allows you to access any geo-restricted content. Hence, VPNs are a very good solution to enjoy better security benefits and protect your network. It will encrypt the traffic flowing towards or from your computer, thus making your data unreadable.

Use of a reliable Antivirus

Antivirus software allows you to block any suspicious malware from sniffing in your system. So if you want to catch any threats online as they appear, it is important to have a high-quality antivirus installed on your computer. A poor antivirus might not be able to catch stop infections from entering your computer.

Switch off Remote Management

A standard router setting does enable remote access which means that the console can be accessible over the internet from any other location. By switching off the remote access, you can limit the console of a router from being accessed from another location.

Use of Guest Network

In case your router has an option of broadcasting a guest network, you should make use of it. A guest network allows users access to the Wi-Fi without letting them enter the rest of the network. Not letting your guests enter the primary network will allow you to be in control of the network and not let any outsiders access files or change any settings.

Final Words

You can minimize the security risks by following the aforementioned practices. Install an antivirus and VPN on your devices to keep them safe, wherever possible. Always come up with a stronger password for your wireless network and make it a habit to run periodic antivirus scans to be sure that your connection is safe from any malware or viruses. It is also important to follow secure browsing and avoid clicking on any suspicious links as they are usually malicious.

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